The Los Altos Women’s Caucus is a group of active and engaged women of varied backgrounds and ages. The purpose of the caucus is to improve our local quality of life through civic engagement and the empowerment of women.

Issues we work on include:

  • Recruitment and support of women candidates for local elected office and leadership positions
  • Effective, ethical local government
  • Local business vibrancy and economic equality for women
  • Development and use of public land and facilities
  • Affordable housing issues and solutions
  • Parks, recreation and arts opportunities

In all of our activities, we seek to fully inform ourselves and the community to constructively foster policies and government practices that maintain or improve the quality of life in Los Altos. We seek out talented, accomplished women who might consider running for local office, applying for a city commission or leading a civic project. We conduct local candidate forums and programs to educate the public about local concerns. We sometimes publicly endorse candidates in local elections and take positions on issues.

LAWC was founded and continues to operate on a steering committee model.  Currently we are not adding members.
We welcome your ideas and participation in our events, and invite you to join our mailing list to receive information.

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Who We Are:

Front row L-R: Marge Bruno, Jane Reed, Ginny Lear, Shali Sirkay, Vicki Reeder, Neysa Fligor, Emy Thurber

Back row L-R: Susan Mensinger, Cindy Murphy, Mary Prochnow, Duanni Hurd, Brenda Taussig, Sally Meadows, Marie Young

Current Members:

  • Robin Abrams
  • Marge Bruno
  • Jolee Crossen
  • Neysa Fligor
  • Duanni Hurd
  • Penny Lave
  • Ginny Lear
  • Sally Meadows
  • Susan Mensinger
  • Debby Meredith
  • Cindy Murphy
  • Mary Prochnow
  • Vicki Reeder
  • Daphne Ross
  • Brenda Taussig
  • Marie Young

October 10, 2024 Event:

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee. ~ Marion Wright Edelman

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed its the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

We never know how high we are Till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, Our statures touch the skies. ~ Emily Dickinson

Los Altos Women's Caucus 2014-2024